This logbook form is simple without to much details
You will enter the most important items of your flight, like:
Here you find all entered flights and simulator-sessions with 30 items per page like on the printed PDF.
Details you can find on each strip:
If you have flown commercial flights and logged them as those and saved the CHECKIN and CHECKOUT times, you will find these duties on that page. See also the included flights of that duty.
This page gives you an overview about your statistics.
You see tables and graphes which are listed per each year.
The table consists of different items:
The graph shows the hours & cycles per month in columns.
On the page of your flown aircrafts, you find a list of all aircrafts types with there registartions.
Each registration shows a summarization:
As a result of the registrations, you have a summarization of flight times and takeoffs & landings
Create your own aircraft groups to get a better overview of some statistics. Just give it a name and add aircraft types to the group.
Details you will get are:
As well as flight times as:
All items are listed additionally as an annual summarization.
On a Google Map you find markers with all visited airports. With a click on a marker you get more detailed information about this place and when you did your last flight to or from this airport.
In the table below you get list of all these airports. Click on the Google-Maps-Icon at the end of each row to zoom into this airport.
On this page you will find all your flights from and to an airport, as well as the movements of all yet registered flights of others - of course anonymous.
You reach this site by clicking on an ICAO-link of an airport at following pages:
Get an overview with whom you flew already.
You can upload avatars to each crew member.
I'm working on more details to show for each crew member.
Print out your logbook as PDF.
The print meets EASA-FCL 1.080 requirements. You will find many details in that PDF.